Contact Centre

Elevating Contact Centre Operations

Insights from 25 Years of Expertise

In the fast-paced, ever evolving world of customer service, the contact centre stands as a crucial touchpoint where businesses engage with their customers. With over 25 years immersed in the intricacies of contact centre operations, I’ve seen firsthand how savvy management can transform these hubs into powerful engines of customer satisfaction. Allow me to take you on a journey where I share key strategies, best practices, and insights to empower contact centre managers, company executives, supervisors, and agents to elevate their operations and deliver exceptional customer experiences.

The Evolution of Contact Centres

Let’s take a nostalgic walk down memory lane. Contact centres have transformed significantly from their humble beginnings as simple call centres. Back in the day, these centres primarily handled inbound and outbound phone calls. But as technology continues to advance and as do customer expectations, contact centres have evolved into sophisticated hubs of multi-channel customer engagement.

    • 1980s: The era of the traditional call centre, primarily handling phone calls.
    • 1990s: Introduction of email and web support, transitioning towards multi-channel support.
    • 2000s: Emergence of social media and live chat, expanding the communication channels.
    • 2010s: Integration of AI, chatbots, and advanced analytics, enhancing customer interaction and support capabilities.
    • 2020s: The rise of omnichannel platforms, providing seamless and unified customer experiences across various channels.

Call Centre vs. Contact Centre

Remember the idiom ‘Potato potahto, tomato tomahto’? Same thing, right? Call Centre, Contact Centre… same thing just semantics, right? Wrong. There’s a world of difference between a Call Centre and a Contact Centre:

    • Call Centre: Think of this as a telephone-centric facility dedicated to handling high volumes of phone calls, primarily focused on customer service, support, and telemarketing or telesales.
    • Contact Centre: This is your modern customer engagement hub. Phone call handling aside, in comes emails, live chats, social media interactions, and more. It’s a holistic approach to customer engagement across multiple communication channels.

Building a Super-Efficient, High-Functioning Contact Centre

Creating a highly efficient and effective contact centre is like conducting a symphony. It requires a harmonious blend of technology, people, and processes. Here are some strategies to achieve this:

  1. Embrace Technology and Innovation

The technological landscape of contact centres has evolved dramatically. From AI-driven chatbots to advanced CRM systems, technology is a crucial enabler of efficiency and improved customer service. Implementing omnichannel platforms allows seamless integration of various communication channels—phone, email, chat, and social media—providing a unified customer experience.

     Best Practices:

    • Regularly update and upgrade technology to stay ahead of the curve.
    • Invest in AI and machine learning tools to streamline operations and enhance customer interactions.
    • Ensure your CRM system is robust and integrates well with other tools to provide a 360-degree view of the customer.
  1. Prioritise Data-Driven Decision Making

Data is the new oil in contact centre management. Leveraging analytics to track key performance indicators (KPIs) like Average Handle Time (AHT), First Call Resolution (FCR), and Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) can provide actionable insights to improve operations.

     Best Practices:

    • Regularly analyse performance data to identify trends, bottlenecks, areas for improvement, and of course successes.
    • Use predictive analytics to forecast call volumes and plan resources accordingly to meet demand.
    • Incorporate customer feedback into strategic planning to align operations with customer expectations.
  1. Enhance Customer Engagement

Customer engagement isn’t just another hot buzzword—it’s a necessity. Building meaningful connections with customers not only resolves their issues but also fosters brand loyalty and advocacy.

     Best Practices:

    • Personalise interactions by using customer data to understand their history and preferences.
    • Implement proactive customer service strategies, such as reaching out to customers before they contact you with issues.
    • Use customer journey mapping to identify touchpoints and enhance the overall customer experience.
  1. Foster a Culture of Continuous Improvement

Although dynamic, there is always room for improvement in the contact centre environment. To ensure that your contact centre adapts and thrives amidst changes, it’s imperative to cultivate a culture of continuous improvement.

Best Practices:

    • Encourage a feedback loop where agents can provide input on processes and suggest improvements as they are at the frontline of customer engagement.
    • Regularly review and refine standard operating procedures (SOPs) to ensure they align with current best practices.
    • Stay abreast of industry trends and continuously benchmark your performance against top-performing contact centres.

Building the Best Teams for Operational Efficiency

Let’s be honest, your team is the heart and soul of your operation. Here are some tips to build and maintain an efficient team and have a smooth functioning contact centre:

  1. Hire for Attitude, Train for Skill

Skills can be taught, but the right attitude? That’s first prize. Look for candidates who exhibit empathy, patience, and a customer-first mindset.

  1. Continuous Training and Development

 Invest in regular training programmes to keep your team updated on the latest technologies and customer service practices. This not only improves their skills but also keeps them motivated.

  1. Empower Your Agents

Give your agents the autonomy to make decisions within certain boundaries. Empowered agents are more likely to take ownership of customer issues and resolve them effectively.

  1. Recognise and Reward Excellence

 Implement recognition and reward programmes to acknowledge and incentivise high-performing agents. This boosts morale and encourages others to strive for excellence.

Ensuring Excellent Customer Experience

Customer experience (CX) is the cornerstone of contact centre operations. Here’s how to ensure your contact centre delivers exceptional CX:

  1. Understand Your Customers

Use customer data to gain insights into their needs, preferences, and pain points. This enables you to tailor your services to meet their expectations.

  1. Provide Consistent Service Across Channels

Ensure that your service quality is consistent across all communication channels. Customers should receive the same level of service whether they contact you via phone, email, chat, or social media.

  1. Monitor and Improve

Regularly monitor customer feedback and use it to make improvements. Implement a robust system for collecting, analysing, and acting on feedback.

Insights and Metrics for Senior Leaders

For senior leaders, it’s essential to focus on metrics that align with business objectives and demonstrate the impact of the contact centre on overall performance. Key metrics include:

    • Net Promoter Score (NPS): Measures customer loyalty and satisfaction.
    • Customer Effort Score (CES): Assesses how easy it is for customers to get their issues resolved.
    • First Call Resolution (FCR): Indicates the percentage of issues resolved on the first contact.
    • Average Handle Time (AHT): Tracks the average duration of customer interactions.
    • Customer Satisfaction (CSAT): Measures overall customer satisfaction with the service provided.
Important Statistics:
    • According to a report by Deloitte, 62% of companies view customer experience provided through contact centres as a competitive differentiator.

          Source: Deloitte. (2019). Global Contact centre Survey

    • A study by Aberdeen Group found that companies with strong omnichannel customer engagement retain 89% of their customers, compared to 33% for companies with weak engagement.

          Source: Aberdeen Group. (2018). Omnichannel Customer Engagement: Business Impact and Value.

    •  Gartner predicts that by 2025, 80% of customer service organisations will have abandoned traditional metrics like AHT in favour of customer-centric measures such as NPS and CSAT

          Source: Gartner. (2021). Top Customer Service and Support Trends for 2021.


Running a successful contact centre requires a delicate balance of technology, human capital, and strategic foresight. By embracing innovation, optimising workforce management, leveraging data, enhancing customer engagement, and fostering continuous improvement, contact centres can exceed customer expectations and deliver unparalleled customer experience.

Umbono Cloud Services has been at this for a good while and we’ve seen how these strategies can transform operations and drive success. Through our consulting service we can perform an audit of your environment and identify gaps or potential threats. Through our cutting-edge technology and services, together we can break the mould, push boundaries and build contact centres that don’t just serve customers but leave them delighted and loyal. Here’s to setting new standards of excellence in customer service and crafting experiences that resonate and endure the test of time.